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Visit my daily weblog, Pictures and Videos from my daily life, instructions, inventions, random ideas and ramblings of a modern day Cyberpunk madman.   2013

Cult of the dead cow

Cult of the dead Cow "This site may contain explicit descriptions of or advocate one or more of the following: adultery, murder, morbid violence, bad grammar, deviant sexual conduct in violent contexts, or the consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs. Then again, it may not. Who knows?"

Network Penetration Testing Tools

Must Have! Network Penetration Testing Tools . Here is a nice list of a few network pen testing tools that every home hacker must have in there arsenal, (note: a lot of these tools come within linux distro's like backtrack.) Net Stumbler THC-HYDRA SCAPY Ettercap


Hack5 Internet television at its finest. Hack5 - hacking, modding, homebrew,  network security and more! Hak5 is one of many internet shows from Live to learn! Learn to live! -GoHak

Poison Ivy - Remote Administration Tool (RAT)

Poison Ivy - Remote Administration Tool (RAT) Have you ever wondered how a compromised computer stays under hacker control?  or If you simply want to keep control of all of the computers in your network.  Create Servers for client / server RAT You can make the Server, Look for the client and connect automatically. Another must have for  network penetration testers everywhere.

Phrack Magazine

" Phrack Magazine "   Phrack is a for Hackers-by-hackers, e-zine, it was first published November 17th, 1985, and continues to run till this very day. The magazine is open for anyone to publish works or express original ideas on topics of interest.  This e-zine, Originally covered subjects that were related to phone phreaking, and telephone system hacking, anarchy and software cracking, computer security, cryptography and most importantly, hacking, as well as international news.

Open Source: Metasploit® Penetration Testing Software Open Source: Metasploit ® Penetration Testing Software. A Mu st Have .  

Captain Crunch

John T Draper - Captain Crunch I remember reading about this guy when I was younger, in many [whitepapers] like phrack and misc. e-zines of the past which can still be found floating around random file-servers everywhere worldwide. Born in 1943, John Draper, a.k.a " Captain Crunch ", a legendary " Phone Phreak " and computer programmer, was driving his Volkswagen Microbus.  Testing his new pirate radio transmitter, he broadcasted a telephone number to his listeners to gauge the stations reception, this resulted in a phone call from Denny Terisi. Terisi, and fellow phreaks wanted John to build a multifrequency tone generator, which later became known as the "blue box". The blue box was used to gain entry into AT&T Telephone System which was then at the time, controlled by tones. Read more about Captain Crunch at : .   

Hack a day --Fresh hacks everyday! "2nd Grade Science project Steam Engine"  By far one of my most beloved sites on the web. Hack a day offers up some fresh hacks everyday, from hardware DIYers to software DIYers, Hacks for everything from A to Z, Cellphones, Game Consoles, Tesla Coils, and way way more! so much more I don't have the time to go through the half of it. But I will definitely recommend this website to anyone.

Root-The-Box Root the Box is a computer hacking (CTF) game that requires  skill ,  speed  and  teamwork . Participate in a hacking challenge! prizes are awarded for things like "worst password" and "best psychological meltdown".  For some legal hacking fun. go play some Capture the Flag!

Backtrack Linux. Penetration Testing Suite

"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"  - Needless to say this is an every hacker must have, linux is a beautiful operating system on its own and can be molded into almost anything you like, backtrack linux however is a pre loaded powerhouse of penetration testing software, 

Dsploit. Android Network Penetration Suite Android Network Penetration Suite, provides a useful tool to penetration testers everywhere, right from your android mobile device. Thats right, a full featured pen tester on android! Have you ever wondered how hacking works? Well this ones for you. QR-Code download Link for Dsploit, Android. Dsploit has many useful features. Wifi Cracking, Router PWN, Port Scanner, Inspector, Vulnerability finder, Login Cracker, Packet Forger, MITM, Simple sniff, Password Sniffer, Session Hijacker, Kill Connections, Redirect, Replace Videos, Script Injection, and Custom Filter. Please use these tools wisely, and don't do anything illegal!

Wondering where to find the latest news and downloads for security vulnerabilities? "Packet Storm has been a cornerstone on the Internet since 1998 and is visited monthly by over 190 countries. The site is meant to provide a unique service to everyone on the Internet - shedding full light on real security issues that may affect them. It is home to system administrators who need to keep their network up to date, security researchers who discover and report new findings, governments and corporations that need to understand current events, security vendors that want to develop new signatures for their software, and many others. Get involved and help secure the world."

DIY Hacks and Electronics with Arduino board.

"Arduino  is a  single-board microcontroller  designed to make the process of using electronics in  multidisciplinary  projects more accessible." -wiki Wiki With a $25 Arduino board you can program DIY projects on the cheap.  Were talking, DIY Drones, Games, Robots, Toys, Hacks, Tools, and much more. Dream up all kinds of crazy projects with this board and make them come to life easy, Arduino boards have an array of different functions, there are alot of snap on and solder on packages you can get for these boards for other purposes like bluetooth chipsets, wifi chipsets, and video chipsets for the homebrew game-age! So if your a DIYer, I definitely suggest this board.

Ncat "Network Swiss Army Knife"

Ncat "netcat" . . \`-"'"-'/ } 6 6 { ==. Y ,== /^^^\ . / \ ) ( )-( )/ _ -""---""--- / / Ncat \_/ ( ____ \_.=|____E         allows users to read and write data across the network from the command line. ncat, was originally written for the nmap project. Ncat uses both TCP and UDP protocol technologies for communication. Ncat was designed to be a reliable tool for "back-end" application to instantly provide network connectivity to other applications and users. With the ability to chain mulitple ncat(s) together, we can do a multitude of things, like DIY web servers, and DIY web proxies, DIY file transfer, and you can build on top of it fairly easily with your favorite front-end development enviroment. Check it out here ---->

Nmap Network Scanner

If your not familiar with this by now, you should be. Introducing, Nmap Network Scanner from, test network security, vulnerabilities, and a whole lot more! Nmap was written by    Gordon Lyon, also known in cyberspace as "Fyodor". Gordon, also runs a few other websites  s  Insecure.Org ,  Nmap.Org ,  SecLists.Org , and  SecTools.Org .  Check them out. It will be worth the effort! There are a whole list of free tools available at As well as a heap of free downloads, installation guides, docs, and more!