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Showing posts from July, 2013


Visit my daily weblog, Pictures and Videos from my daily life, instructions, inventions, random ideas and ramblings of a modern day Cyberpunk madman.   2013

Cult of the dead cow

Cult of the dead Cow "This site may contain explicit descriptions of or advocate one or more of the following: adultery, murder, morbid violence, bad grammar, deviant sexual conduct in violent contexts, or the consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs. Then again, it may not. Who knows?"

Network Penetration Testing Tools

Must Have! Network Penetration Testing Tools . Here is a nice list of a few network pen testing tools that every home hacker must have in there arsenal, (note: a lot of these tools come within linux distro's like backtrack.) Net Stumbler THC-HYDRA SCAPY Ettercap


Hack5 Internet television at its finest. Hack5 - hacking, modding, homebrew,  network security and more! Hak5 is one of many internet shows from Live to learn! Learn to live! -GoHak