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Fast Network Scanning with Nmap: A Quick and Secure Tutorial for Kali Linux Users

Are you a Kali Linux enthusiast looking to efficiently scan your local network using Nmap? You're in the right place! In this tutorial, we'll guide you through creating a Bash script using Nano to perform a lightning-fast network scan, display a menu of alive hosts, and conduct a deep scan on the selected target.

Why Network Scanning Matters

Network scanning is a crucial step in cybersecurity and network management. Identifying active hosts and their vulnerabilities is essential for maintaining a secure environment. Our tutorial will help you streamline this process with a customized Bash script.

Setting Up the Bash Script

Let's dive into the steps to create a powerful Bash script for network scanning:

Step 1: Open Nano and Create a Script

Open your Kali Linux terminal and use the following command to create a new script:


Step 2: Copy and Paste the Script

Copy and paste the provided Bash script into Nano. This script performs a fast network scan with Nmap, creates a menu of alive hosts, and conducts a deep scan on the selected target.

 copy everything after this:




echo "Fast Network Scan with Nmap"
echo "---------------------------"

# Fast scan to identify alive hosts
nmap -sn | grep 'Nmap scan report' | cut -d ' ' -f 5 > alive_hosts.txt

# Display menu of alive hosts
select host in $(cat alive_hosts.txt); do
    if [ -n "$host" ]; then
        echo "Selected Host: $host"
        echo "---------------------------"

        # Deep scan on the selected host
        nmap -p- -A $host

        echo "Invalid Selection. Please try again."

stop copying after "done"

Step 3: Save and Make Executable

Save the script by pressing Ctrl + O, then press Enter. Exit Nano with Ctrl + X. Make the script executable with:

chmod +x

Running the Script

Now that your script is ready, let's run through the steps to scan your network:

  1. Execute the script:
  1. The script will initiate a fast scan to identify alive hosts in your local network.

  2. A menu displaying alive hosts will appear. Select your desired host by entering its number and pressing Enter.

  3. The script will perform a detailed deep scan on the chosen host using Nmap, revealing open ports and service versions.

  4. To exit the script, press Ctrl + C.

Tips and Customization

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run Nmap.
  • Customize the IP range in the script to match your network setup.
  • This script provides valuable insights for cybersecurity and network optimization.


Congratulations! You've successfully created a Bash script for efficient network scanning with Nmap. This quick and secure process empowers Kali Linux users to identify active hosts and potential vulnerabilities within their local networks.

Stay tuned for more tutorials and cybersecurity insights. Happy scanning!


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